Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Beginning

Don't stop reading yet. Trust me, this ain't the Bible.

I've read that blogs are passe...that like, every other person has one and no one reads them; that people don't have time for more than 140 characters thanks to Twitter. So that's why I'm jumping on the blog bandwagon. Yup, I'm that cool.

Really, I wanted to keep track of a few things and I need help. Mostly because I think I have undiagnosed ADD--if it didn't happen today, it didn't happen at all--so I'm going to try writing some stuff down.

For instance, I'm supposed to start training for the Nike Women's Marathon that takes place in October and need a way to be held accountable.

Also, our dalmation puppy is almost 5 months old, but I'm figuring in dog years it's like the human Terrible Two's. I've nicknamed her the Damnation Dalmation because she is a holy terror right now. But it's pretty entertaining, when I can laugh about it.

And a lot of stuff goes on in my mind, but it's gone if I don't grab it. So I'm thinking that if it appears in black and white, it might actually come to fruition.

I'll try not to use any big words, unless they come from the Urban Dictionary. Because if it isn't rude or crude, then it's probably not worth knowing anyway.

And that ends my first post. Off to do some marathon training. That is, if I don't get distracted.

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